
About Us

CTI Consultants are a specialist consultancy in the field of hazardous paint management.

The directors have experience and qualifications in paint chemistry, corrosion science and occupational hygiene.

CTI Consultants Pty Ltd was formed in 1987 to provide specialised consulting services to the construction, oil and gas, building maintenance and repair industries throughout Australia. Having worked in the areas of concrete assessments, protective coating consultancy and corrosion in general, CTI has recently restructured to focus solely on hazardous paint management.

CTI offers the following specific services associated with hazardous paint management:

  • Site surveys for lead in paint and paint condition assessments
  • Development of Hazardous Paint Management strategies, specifications and compliance plans
  • Assistance in WHS programs for Hazardous Paint Management
  • Environmental monitoring of Hazardous Paint projects
  • WHS inductions for “Working Safely with Lead Paint” (project-specific)